Why we're embracing a 'blue mind' this January.

Why we're embracing a 'blue mind' this January.

Have you ever noticed how a stroll by the sea gives you that "ahhh" feeling?  Well this is 'Blue Mind Thinking' —the science-backed magic of water and its power to make us feel happier, more relaxed, and full of life.   Whether it’s the big blue ocean, a babbling brook, or even your bubble bath— water is proven to make us humans feel calmer, happier, and downright better.

At Bar Buoy HQ in Devon, we're big believers that water’s not just a view; it’s therapy.   It clears our minds, boosts our mood, and helps us recharge, so we’re always ready for whatever life shakes or stirs our way.  

We're fighting off the January blues by embracing a 'blue mind'.   A short walk along the beach... a longer hike over the cliffs... even an icy cold dip in the sea to blow away the cobwebs!  It’s like having the ultimate bar on tap and a great, big daily dose of fresh-air vibes.     

So cheers to coastal living and coastal visiting—the original happy hour!

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